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I am a first year college student.

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Museum Experience

I describe their museum as a place where you can see a lot of entries that has a theme "CULTURE". It was an honor to see those pieces of arts that only artist can make. There were a lot of photographs of our native people and their products. These are reminding us about our ancestors and respect our tradition.On the right was a photo of something that they are using (I forgot the name).

The photo on the right was a picture of old machines we used to use before and it's background was an inspiring painting of our religious beliefs.

This piece is my favorite because it reminds me of the fairytale "Little Mermaid". My interpretation about this image is that it is telling us that our sea water is now contaminated of our garbage such as bottles. This fish here is swimming towards the bottle which may cause to its death. This portrait is a warning that with our actions we are killing our nature specially our oceans and the creatures living there.

Behind me are crafts made of wood which reminds us of the things our ancestors used before. These things
are significant to our lives because if they did not discover these simple things, we would not have our technology nowadays.

This is an antique piano which our ancestors might used before.
Behind me is an antique wind instrument, and other musical instruments. For the musicians out there, these collections are important because they are caring and preserving their instruments.

This is a closer picture of an old typewriter. We used this before in making our documents, but when computers are invented these were replaced.

This is a piece made by Ms. Krishna Zabate, my sociology teacher. For me, this means an ordinary man thinking about the calamities we are having now. It's like this man is against to the things happening to us right now. A piece which may tell us to reflect about our current situations, is it good or bad? We might say that this is just a simple art but behind this is a meaning that only the person who made this can explain. We must know the creator of this to understand this better. Just like in our life, we have many interpretations of our purposes here on earth, but I guarantee you that only He who made us knows what our purposes are. Only God knows why we are here, and to know our purpose on earth, is to know God more.

My reflection to this experience was that, there are so many things happening to our lives daily. We have changed a lot since God created everything. We evolve from simple life we had before to this complicated world we are having now. The answers to our questions is that we must return to God, and everything will come to its proper place. We kept on blaming Him and other people on everything that are going on to our lives, but did we ask ourselves, "What have I done to my life?". I realized that what is said on the Bible was true that we have a loving Father up there, because He gave us this life and let us enjoy His creation, it only depends on how we respond to it.

May God bless us all!